Friday, July 14, 2006

finally a day to rest!!

finally, it's friday again! hahs. another three more days for me to take a break. *phew*

what a waste. i wanted to come back home straight after school. but the crave of going out and have lunch took half of my day. tsk!

anyway, today in school our maths teacher tore two graph assignments done by two of our classmates. why? because they obviously copied from each other. i just wonder, how can anyone copy graph assignments? doing maths assignment is tedious but no matter what, we still have to do. *sighs*
i don't really enjoy english lesson anymore. the new "sub" teacher is so weird.

well, reached home at four and watched television. i only intend to watch half an hour show then move foward to have a bath and start doing my assignments. however, my sleep ruin everything. was watching the tv show but fell asleep! gosh. it's my first time falling asleep while watching the television. then, it took me about two hours to realise i was sleeping. lols. i really don't know why i am so tired. just feel like sleeping so much.

now, one day is going to end. i have yet achieve any of my 'goals' for this week. two more days to finish my assignments. there are like so many! hais.
i've got maths' graph correction, a news paper article to reflect on, an edited magazine article to re-do and.. i can't remember. hahs! to add on to that pile, i have to torture myself to write a piece of essay in CHINESE!! i cannot write chinese because i will start losing my patients. i just don't like thos complicated characters. urg!

i'm going nuts!! hais.

just realise something when i wake up. i woke up and went to talk to my dad. now i know why i seldom look for my father for things or trouble.
first thing first, he's a father not a mother so sometimes i feel embarrassed to share things with him unless my motehr is there. secondly, i don't like it when he say: "what can i do?". also, he listens but somehow don't really pay attention. hais. my dad almost quarrelled with my sis because my sis didn't talk to him in a nice manner. heard their conversation and i think my sister was real rude. =]
the other thing i think is that my father, me and my sister doesn't have the habit to talk to each other that often. maybe that is why we don't have habits to chat bahs. hais.

i'm feeling tired all over again. hopeless le. =[

yeahs! two good news!! i've finally booked the chalet successfully!! yeahs! the service was so good and the person was quite responsible. for the past few weeks, i have been rather irritating and stupid because i keep email-ing him for detials and so on. for all my mails sent, he replied very nicely. he's so good! hahas. the second good news! i'm going to my dad's office tomorrow! finally!! =] i haven't been to my dads' office ever since he became a employee and we moved our house. i'm so looking forward to it because for the past two weeks, the extra creative writing workshop ruin our plans to visit my dads' office.! hehs!

till the next time, buh bye!

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