Saturday, June 24, 2006


before starting this entry. CORRECTION: it should be pulse not purse from the last post. =]

today is my dad and gary's birthday. they are now both one year older. hais. the time really passes real fast. how i wish the year could start all over again and i can re-do all my examinations and stuffs. hmms. but it's impossible. right? hahas.

still, i wish both of them a WONDERFUL life FOREVER. wahahs.

last night slept real night trying to finish my dad's present and i think we did a great job. we made a A4 size card with stickers, message and NEOPRINTS! lols. we also filled up a bottle with stars and hearts. before we went to sleep, we place the present on my sister's study table beside her computer.

wanted to wake up early this morning to buy breakfast tea for my dad but end up dozing off again. so, my mother came to our room to scream us awake. hahas. then, my father came into the room, we wished him and suddenly, we sat beside me on my sis's bed almost directly opposite the present. he looked around and got shocked when he saw the card and present. hahas. if only i took out my camera and took a picture of his reaction.. hahas. we gave him the present then we went to Jalan Kayu to have our breakfast.

after we alight from my dad's vehical, we saw this car with four dogs. so CUTE! hahas. then after eating ROTI PRATA, we went to shop for goldfish. hahas. didn't buy any because they didn't look very pretty. =]
then, my mother went to buy fish food from the shop to feed the goldfish from the shop. so paiseh. hahas. heng no one saw anything. =]

after shopping for fish, we went to aunty teo's house to deliver breakfast and eggs which the prices has rised to 40cents each. hahas. then we went to yanling's grandma house to take something and send yanling's partial family to kovan. they wanted to walk there and it seem real far. =]

after sending them over, we shopped around and me and my sis bought tonnes of clothes. hahas. we each got two shirts and a pair of pants. not many but still, we spent alot. then, we went to popular for don't know what reason the we went to rainbow to again shop for fish! hahas. this time, my dad only bought sea monkey (a type of fish food that lives) but still, no fish. then my parents had lunch and we headed back home. rested for a few hours then we went out again.

my dad actually didn't wanna drive but in the end, he still did. hahas. went to "si ma lu". went to pray in one of the temples and we went shopping again!! yeahs!! hahas.

my sis and i went to buy a kappa bag. sling bag. i paid them but i'm sharing it with my sis. decided to take turns to carry it. my sis gonna take term three while i'll take it on the last term. really hope it will last. hahas. my sister is rather rough you know. lols.

after much shopping, we went to have our dinner at this hotel which i can't remember. hahas. had buffet and ate quite a lot. =) had tonnes of fun with my whole family today. =]

my scalded wound is getting better but it looks worse and much disgusting. hahas. but it feels really better. my mother say there's more pulse growing again. sian! gotta cut them. sobbs. hahas.

okay then, i shall end my post here! buh bye! hehes.

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