Friday, June 23, 2006

first degree burn.

how painful it is to be scalded? have you been burnt by something before?

yesterday was Gary and Fengni's advance birthday celebration. it was suppose to be a fun and happy day for me but it turn out to be a very painful and devastating day. of course, it was still fun and happy. although it was fun and happy yet painful, i have learn a very good lesson about the different degree of getting burnt and also the various importance in life. which come first and so on. =]

i was scalded badly in the afternoon around 1500hrs plus while watching "the magician of love". (don't ask me how why when where what. i'm real tired of explaining and recalling the whole incident). =]

still, i went to soohou's house to celebrate gary and fengni's birthday in advance. yes, of course it hurts but i didn't apply any medication because it was kindda late. also, i didn't wanna let many people know about it. didn't wanna pour cold water even before having fun. now, i really regret not treating it right after the accident yesterday.

had tonnes of fun at soohou's house.

my parents fetched us home and send yanling home. we reached home rather late and finally, i decided to confess after feeling a purse around my wound. i really didn't expect it to be that bad within such a short period of time. okay fine, not short but still, it was not more than twelve hours.

i told my mother about me being scalded but was pissed wih her reaction. she only asked about her sofa for more than once. then, i just walked into my room because the other thing i had to take care of is the purse.
it's seems rather disgusting.

then, many things happened before my wound was treated.
my dad asked me a very good question about how i tolerated the burning pain this whole while because i looked very happy and jumpy when he fetched me my sis and yanling.

come to think of it, i really am puzzled about how i bared the pain. lols. hmms. but i guess i am use to it le bahs. can say it's not the first time tolerating pain le. frankly speaking, i also don't know why i didn't tell my mother about it when it happened. maybe my mother was right, friends to me are more important than myself, my health and my safety. but i really don't know why i was so stupid to not tell any adult about it when it happened.
i really regret it now.

my mother came in to my room after doing her tidying up and looked the wound before screaming at me.
now, i really understand why she only bothered about the sofa.

what has happened has already happened. i'm just glad that i have someone to apply the medications and stand by me before getting well. went to the doctor today and i annouce that it is only a first degree burn. not only but still, it really doesn't hurt at all. my father was telling me he's experience before my wound was treated and it seems to be real painful.

my mother took care of the purse by cutting it. i was expecting it to be very very painful but in the end, it feels like nothing is happening at all.

okay fine, i admitt that it was pain at first when i got scald at first but after the celebration and i got home, it was nothing.
even the doctor who wanted to prescribe pain killers were shock when i said it doesn't hurt.

hahas. does being burnt and scald really hurt that much? lols.
maybe it's becaue i treat pain as a self imagination bahs. if you just don't think about the pain, it will eventually be forgotten and you somehow feel nothing.

hmms. tomorrow's gary and my dad's birthday. oh ssh! i forgot about my dad's card! gosh.

anyway, school's gonna re-open soon. just hope that i won't wanna fall asleep in most lesson bahs.

hmms. it also means that i'll not be able to update as often. sobbs. =]

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