Saturday, April 08, 2006

Speech Day.

what a boring day! urg..
yesterday was speech day and i think out performance was great.. at least i think it's better than the previous rehersals and practices.. i enjoyed shouting with the whole orchestra.. it feels so united.. when jason walk onto the stage, i caught a glimpse of mr. yeo. LOLs. he was happily telling the person beside him that the conductor was once a Serangoon student. i bet he felt proud of us. his smile was so bright.. it has really boost my confidence on stage and i really enjoyed the whole performance.. how i wish it will maintain it's unity. and now, it's our turn to influence our juniors. after our performance we went to IT Lab 3 and mdm ng showed us some video clips. they hilarious. hahas. despite feeling happy about the whole performance, my leg hurts! urg~ blisters again.. sians. walk around the whole school withour my shoe.. i felt like a toal idiot when people look at me. hahas.
sobs. maybe later going to east coast park. yeah!
gotta run.. go play PS-2 le.. hehes.

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