Thursday, April 06, 2006


yea~ i've passed E and A maths class test! yeah~ hahas. just hope that i can pass my Mid-Year maths test with flynig colours.. hmms. actually not really flying colours larhs. just hope that i will not have any careless mistakes.. LOLS. i will be content with that..

YanLing didn't come to school~ frankly speaking, it's of no difference le.. Not like before when we're in the same class.. use to notice each other so much.. Now? different class, less communication.. not disappointing just hope that our friendship need not be measured by things.. you know? LOLS..

tomorrow speech day. abit boring but i hope tomorrow we will be able to prove to the teachers that we are still with the same standard.. hehes.

sians. gotta go orh orh le.. nite nite.. hehes.

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