Monday, April 10, 2006

18 more days..

>>COUNTDOWN<< my goodness! exams are around the corner.. urg~ no time to study. too many homework.. hahas. just kidding. but there is hardly any much time for me to study.. maybe i should post lesser. hahas. i'm so bored.. 18 more days to our first paper.. English. sians. just hope that this time, it won't be as bad as Common Test 1 whereby it actually pull our moral down.. or i should say my moral.. i failed! gosh.. all because of my dumb comprehension and summary. hais. failed badly for both but luckily my composition pulled my marks up.. still fail larhs.. hahs. but i hope history of one failure won't repeat. hahas. must work harder but with no determination.. hahas. oops. XD

HOMEWORKS~ keeping me real busy these days. urg~ ohh yeah, i'm getting real pissed with dickson lee these days. i doubt he can differentiate the difference between teasing and insulting.. he's always insulting me thinking that it's a joke but in fact it really hurts. hope he realise that he's no longer the one people would want to talk to as much as before le..

back to homework.. gosh!
gotta run to get them done. sobs.. buh bye!

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