Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Christmas @ Switch

First Christmas celebration with these beautiful souls earlier tonight~
First with them, and the first this year! What a great coincidence. Heh.

Yes, it's only Tuesday and it's late for a work night now, but I feel happy from tonight's celebration that I need to let it all out before resting. Lol. Still excited from the gift exchange, satisfied from the delicious dinner and music, and especially happy with the companion! Some of us have not met up for a while, so it was a great time catching up with what's been on in our lives. ^^

Decided to spend our night in "Switch" because Ruth hasn't been there before (whaaat?!) and it is a great place with food, booze and music.. So, why not! Was definitely not disappointed. :p

A table full of gifts!
We did a DrawNames with wishlists to make it slightly easier for each other.
I am super happy with what I got (everything on my list) and I hope my santee was happy too. HEH.

One of the only shots we took because we're too cool for this shit. LOL.


Yes, that was all I had to let out. HAHAHA. ♥

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