Saturday, December 10, 2016


Weishan must be thinking "I wanna be on the other side instead."


So not.

Yoohoo~ It is my 4th day back in Singapore from one of my least favourite country...... Thailand. I have actually only been to a handful of different countries so I won't say Thailand is bad, just not in my list of favourite places to visit thus far... No prizes for guessing Korea's my favourite place! 😜

Of course, friends made the trip (any trip) a truckload better.

Even if I get mild food poisoning . . .
Even if I had to puke in a tiny blue plastic bag while walking among a huge crowd . . .
Even if my butt hurts from the repeated visits to the toilet . . .
Even if I feel weak af for the remaining days . . . (1 day)

Even when all of the above were true, I'd definitely had a good time in Bangkok with my bestbuttbuds this trip. It was a nice weekend away from work. Ah. Any trip with friends and away from work is a guaranteed good one la. Really.


Planning a trip for the clique is challenging, but 4 of us made it! It was good enough to make a poisoned trip a great one. Heuheuheuheu.

Here's the 3 of us while Jolene went on a different flight and met us there straight.

This ever so familiar place.

The Berkeley Hotel was a good choice. A good location - we were right beside a night market! Though we only visited it once. Lol. I don't really understand the hype for night markets...... So many repeated stalls in the same area and some selling at cheaper prices than the one you have already bought your item for. TSK.

Our room was huge!
(Evident in my snapchat video at the end)
This is just the walkway to our beds on the left; 1 King, 1 Single.
Lance was definitely not king...

..but our sexy model.
Who was also down with me. But he was puking more. While I pooped more.

Just imagine how gross and bacteria infected our washroom was............

Poor Jolene and Weishan.
Weishan more, because she was with us for another night.

But all is good. We didn't feel sick in the airplane back and still had a good time together. ♥

I say for myself. LOL!

First day was simple. Our flight was at 7am so we arrived before it was noon, checked in our hotel room, unpacked and washed up a little before heading out.

Wanted to check out the very hyped "After You" dessert cafe X, but it was so packed that we explored the mall (in 2018 and obviously cannot remember which mall anymore) and settled down in "Audrey Café & Bistro" X.


Also, look at how pretty my drink is. Pink!

And that was that.

@ The night market beside our hotel.

Here, Lance has already retreated back to our room to watch soccer.
Thinking about it now, I wonder why Lance joined us.... Nothing much for him to do and even got food poisoned. Lol.

This area was so nice in real life that you cannot get a shot without being bombed.

But we took pictures anyway.

We also shopped at the night market, of course.

&That was that.

Here's day 2.
Us. Awake, refreshed and unaware of what's to come.

Sexy model pose 2

At the place that caused bad things to happen.
SOI 19.

I have to put it out there: SOI 19's Wanton Mee is overrated and definitely not worth me getting sick from.

While I admit I may be too used to the wanton noodles we have here in Singapore, I still think there's absolutely nothing special about their small bowl of wanton noodles. It was too oily for my liking and there were too many lard, which Shan helped eat a piece or 2. None for me.

There are nicer wanton noodles here la! An obvious unpopular opinion though.

Lance had 2 bowls of this. LOL. &The place was filled with so many Singaporeans!

I guess, it is worth the hype and queue for other people. We didn't have to queue long though. YASSSSS.

&That was that.

It was a Saturday, a weekend. So guess where we went?

No prizes. Chatukchat!

Hot af.
What was I thinking being in black. Long sleeve black. Pfft.

Chocolate banana pancake prata made things better.

Yes, chocolate banana prata made us gluttons very happy. ^^

Is it obvious that I have no other pictures to pose for the trip so I'm just wasting space with pictures of us and our chocolate banana prata? LOL.

Bacteria stays in the body for at least a good 4 hours before they act up and screw you over, so here we were done with Chatukchat and moving on to Artbox! Nice hippie place with overpriced everything.

Am I blogging in a bad tone today? Lol.

Everything was undoubtedly pretty though! The items and food being sold, all nicely prepared. Do it for the gram.

Artbox was really quite a sight at night!
Or maybe I'm just a sucker for all these fairylights.

We moved off to the mall near the new Rod Fai Night Market where Lance almost too quickly left us because he was feeling the bacteria work their magic.

Not yet, but soon.

After having Mookata and a glass of watermelon juice kindda soon.

I liked Rod Fai Night Market. It is huge and has different live bands playing around. Has a different vibe from all the many other night markets around Bangkok.

Have I mentioned I actually do not like mookata? They are like... Korean BBQ wannabe. Lol. My other unpopular opinion. Also, allowing the juice and oil from the meat we cook flow into the soup for drinking............... all the oil!? You stink after mookata too. As bad (if not worse), than after a Korean BBQ meal. I very much prefer Korean BBQ; Koreans are so thoughtful to include a hood filter to suck up all the smoke and perhaps, 40% of the smell.

After dinner, I was feeling weird and first pooped in the washroom thinking I was all good now. We proceeded to the new Rod Fai Night Market where I enjoyed the first 5% of my time before barfing.

After the first row of shops, we were going for the second row when I felt sick. Quickly asked for a bag. Got a blue one. Walked quickly away from the girls. I was infront. Quickly prepared myself and puked all the nonsense mid-walk. I continued walking until the end. Very quickly. I felt relieved that no one around me actually noticed I was puking otherwise I would have felt worst for ruining their night + embarrassment.

After throwing that bag of puke, I actually felt a lot better (albeit not 100%), and continued the night with the girls absorbing as much good vibes as I can from Rod Fai.

We didn't stay long after going through all the rows of shop though, and retreated back to our hotel.

Back in our room, Lance and I took turns in the washroom for almost half the night. When we woke up the next day, we were not in our best forms and slept half our day away with room service ordered for lunch and dinner. Shan did head out herself for a bit after Jolene left for her flight home though; without her burdens. Lol.

Us waiting for our room service.

Brunch was some chicken porridge and dinner was a club sandwich. After our early dinner, we did head out one last time to check out some mall. Sat down at some random cafe and talked about life. . . LOL.

I was so so so glad we were feeling better to fly home.
I cannot imagine running to the toilet one two many times onboard the plane.

&This, was a memorable weekend trip to Bangkok with my favourite people. :D

Regardless how awful I felt on and off because of the bacteria attacking me, I was concurrently feeling truly blessed to be getting a break from work with people that mattered in my life. ♥

A snapchat compilation of my trip.

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