Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Karena's Birthday!

Mid-week meet up with 2 of my favourite girlfriends to celebrate Karena's birthday! What a celebratory week, first with Karena's solemnisation (read here) then her birthday tonight and next, my projects' event on Friday! Whoop. :D

It was a fairly simple night though; met in Orchard for some flying noodles and maki sushi (served in a drawer lol) at Hana Japanese Restaurant. Unfortunately, no pictures :( But I would say the restaurant is pretty much gimmick-y because the food were just okay. People just rave about it for their Instagram-worthy food placing. Would give it to them for that though; so much effort to serve udon and sushi. Lol.

After dinner, we just roamed around and settled down in another Instagram-worthy place for desserts - I cannot remember where we went but I doubt they are still in operations so..... :p

Picture we sent Jolene because she was at work and couldn't join. HEHE.

Fastforward to 2018 and this is the only picture I have from that night :( Lost my phone in November and now I realise how very important it is to always backup your pictures!! Really search high and low for an 'evidence' of this night because I couldn't remember what we did and felt slightly moodless to blog further because there'll be this blank. Hurrr.. Lol.

Thank God for Snapchat though; I kept the snaps and here's a short snippet of that night! ♥

Check out the rainbow cake in one of my snaps!


hehe. Got them from Weishan♥

The crazy looking dessert!

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