Saturday, October 08, 2016

First Work Event: Success!

Organised my first event for the project team last night and it was a success! Most of them enjoyed the food, the drinks and especially the company~ There were so many people I finally get to see (because they usually work in a different site); enlarging my circle of work friends! Which would probably make work even more enjoyable.

Oh, how much I have grown... Last bad entry about work was 2 months ago! HEHE.

I also realise that being the organiser of an event really helps me break a lot of barriers I have; It is because I am the organiser, I make myself go around checking that everyone was okay... Unlike if I were just a guest, I would probably stick to my own circle of friends.

So... last night, it was a great success! Not only because the event was good, but also because I managed to step up and know more people from work. ^^

Also, I suggested 'Supply & Demand' because I really love love their food! Did not disappoint me last night; though it was not the best place for my MD. :(

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