Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Shift & The Meet Up

Today's the shift!
I'm so envious of everyone else who were working from home! Away from the dust we had to deal with. But I'm grateful that the management decided to shift on a weekday - I sure as hell do not want to travel down to office on a weekend.

Because of my evening appointment, I was a little dressed up and totally regret my decision. HAHAH. Was in my skirt + sandals, and bending down here and there to pack stuff. But I'm glad IT'S MOSTLY OVERRRR!!!! Wasn't as dreadful as I thought it would be - Kindda just dumped a lot of stuff into boxes for the movers to shift over.  The unpacking though............................ I cannot understand why we shifted rubbish (like laptops that are old as hell). But oh wells.

I am also glad to be one of the first few to settle in our new office - GOT TO PICK MY SEAT!! Heheheehhe. Actually no, we already settled our seating arrangements weeks before our move. Hahaha. Lame.

Anyway, after the shift... I quickly took a cab down to the PS Cafe near our office at Martin Road.

Met up with them both!!!
Shruti was really late from work though - boohoo.

Was still a good time with them just chilling with simple food and drinks.

I suppose...... the best takeaway from the different phases in life is always the people we meet. And I have learnt that... not everyone is meant to stay with us forever - some are really just to be there with you during a period. And these memories together with various people are good enough.


Why am I suddenly sounding so sad; like as if that was our last meetup.............. Well, it's not. But fast forward 2018 and I cannot remember the last time we met. Probably for a buffet I'll blog about a year later? LOL.

So yes, they were part of a very valuable experience for me during my time with Maybank. The things I have learnt from them; especially Li Yi... :')

Pictures we took are so unflattering though! Damn.

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