Thursday, August 18, 2016

Biannual Meet Up With Syuhada

Back from our usual birthday meetup earlier this evening.... ♥

August is time for Syuhada! :)

I like how our birthdays are almost 6 months apart - making our biannual meetup slightly more balanced? Once in the start of the year and the second time at the end. There's so much to update each other about too. Though.... I still have nothing from my lovelife. Lol.

Us and our love for fries!
I bet most of our meetup would involve fries!

First time at Snoopy's cafe, Cinneleisure.

Food's pretty good. I wasn't expecting much because these character themed restaurants always come off more gimmicky, and not very impressive with the food they serve. So I was..... okay-impressed from our food. Lol.

Okay, quick random update done!

Can't wait for tomorrow - It's Friday, bitch!!

Office's shifting to the other building across the road. Whoop! I'm excited to be in a brand new place.

I wonder if I'm blessed....? This is the second time I get a brand new work environment within the first 3 months I join a company! (And also my second job, so it's a 100% hit LOL).

I love anything new! And this time, I'm empowered to managing the facility..... What a nice way to phrase "more shit work" right? hahahah. I just hope I don't have to be people's Maria or have to catch any insect!

For now, I just have to do all the nasty packing and overseeing the shift. Pretty much things I hate to do. LOL. Of course, if I can't see the need for something; THROW IT IS I WILL DO. Heh.

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