Friday, February 04, 2011

Understand Me A Little More...

I find it harder and harder to communicate with him.
In fact, I felt this way ever since 2011 started.

Jokes and casual chats aside.
It's getting more and more challenging for me to accept his sarcasm and stupid remarks.

I totally get that they are concerned and worried about me, I respect the continuous nags and I try my best to just listen to them... But sometimes, they can just drive me nuts and make me feel really suffocated... I am really glad and appreciative that she's much open-minded and willing to listen to my opinions, I hope he can be the same. Instead, it seems like he's becoming worse? Sigh...

Is he really suffering from menopause? I really cannot stand it... Really... :'(

Have been having small quarrels with him lately. And I really think it's stupid. But even though I find them stupid, I can't control my damn mouth to not retort. It's just... Sometimes, he's really fucked up... Not only is he damn sarcastic, he ends up becoming really defensive and brings about his authority warning me to not "threaten" him or whatsoever... =,=

Things seem to be getting worse...?

Especially after the HongKong trip was mentioned/settled.
Every single time she reminds me not to go to their pub, here or there, he has to add on to the nags and pretty much go overboard. Tonight, he really went overboard. I don't understand which part of "I wasn't influenced by my friends, I wanna go overseas in my own will and own thought" does he not understand...

I was so pissed, I went to divert my attention to some shows and now I can't continue because my frustration has subsided... :\
Just hope he's not acting like a baby as usual because he isn't in the position to be angry. =,=


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