Friday, February 04, 2011

Rabbit Year Day 2! ^^




Had a great time today playing with Baby Jaimee as we drop paternal Granny in my Uncle's place + have lunch, and our first, last and only visiting place at my maternal Uncles' place with dinner!! ^^ It's a plain Day 2, but it's just plain fun and warming to be spending the day with the family. (:

Maternal Granny's awesome and really cute!
She: "Are you going to Taiwan?"
Me: "Nope, changed course to Hong Kong."
She: "Aiyohh. Why Hong Kong? Go Taiwan mah, I fully support you."

Me: Lol. "Ah ma, you support me also no use, mummy's the permission giver."
"Why don't you bring me to Taiwan?"

She: "I've been there before already."
Me: "Let's go Korea or Japan then."

She: "I just went to Japan."
"Visited Korea before also."
"You should go Taiwan, I give you permission and fully support you."

Me: "If you're mummy now, I'll love you forever."
The conversation was funny and cute as it lasted... :\




Lunar New Year has been great so far. Even though it's only been two days... xD
It'll be perfect if there weren't all the small and unnecessary arguments... :\

Tomorrow's the third day of CNY, but as much as I want to enjoy my third day to the fullest, school and project ain't allowing me to. :\ I'm not going to whine and complain though... I just hope I can quickly finish up everything successfully because I don't wanna repeat this module... :'(

Goodnight. (:

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