Tuesday, February 24, 2009


What a chilly, rainy Wednesday!! :D
A really fantastic weather for sleeping and lazing in bed. BUT, I'm stuck on my chair trying to focus on Econs. -.- In which I think I'm failing to do so.
*Discipline Jasmine, discipline!

Last paper tomorrow and I'm all set & ready to enjoy my holidays! (: Have been giving thoughts about post-exam activities. I think I'm gonna skip the working part and just spend my time lazing around, going out having fun and just... watching TV! Lol.
I don't wanna be tied down by work; but, if by chance there's any short term jobs. Like really really really really really short termed ones. Then I'll consider. Lol. I've got tuition anyway. :D

Can't wait for tomorrow - Last paper, last paper, last paper!!! Shopping for Birthday gifts! :D Hope I'll get this done soon soon soon!! :D Three gifts to go~

Can't wait for Thursday - Picnic &luge with my favourite girls at Sentosa! :D :D :D
I so so so so so so so miss Simin, Huanqing, Christina and Clara!!! :D **Carlo are you going?! Lol.

Can't wait for Friday - shopping for Edmond's Chalet bbq food and maybe mahjong (Lol.) or maybe maybe just going out to hang out! :D

Can't wait for Sunday - I wanna book for Theory test like ASAP!

Can't wait for Monday - Chelsie's Birthday Chalet!! &&& I'll get to meet Haniza, Ruyi and many more Primary School friends!!! Awww~
Xinhui, you're gonna miss hell lotsa fun! Hohoho~ ;x

Can't wait for Tuesday - Edmond's Birthday Chalet~ All gear up and ready to play some entertaining games!! :D Looking forward to some great time with good old friends we're so comfortable and familiar with. :D

Can't wait for Wednesday - Shopping for Edmond and my birthday gift with Jiaxuan and maybe Yanling and maybe other friends too! :D

SEE ! Am currently packed and I'm really happy! HAHAHAH~ Finally off the hook for some serious fun. :D
Okay okay. I think I better get going to start on Econs... OMG! Can't stand having to study in this fantastic weather! Arg! @#%#$@#%

PS: Hmmm. How?!

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