Saturday, September 20, 2008

A nonsensical & random entry.

A nonsensical & random entry.

Oh~ How time flies...
It’s yet another Saturday. :)

I was checking out my Academic Calendar only to find out that today’s the 3rd Saturday of my 6-weeks long vacation. :( Aww, 3 more weeks before school starts for me. Drat!
[Don’t blame me for reminding you. Lol. I was just having random thoughts.]

I don’t exactly know what I should feel about school-starting. Excited? Or maybe sadden? :/ Hmm.
But anyhow, I know I’m pretty much glad that school is starting. Lol. Rather than idling most of my days away, I’ll most probably be busy with schoolwork and school stuffs. Which, I really love; being busy.

But then again, it’ll also mean I’ll have lesser time to do what I like. Lol. Like reading, watching all my favourite television programmes (Which is a lot!), being crazy &silly[I’ll most probably be stressed up. :(:(:(:(:(], shopping, catching-up with friends and blah blah blah. :D I’ll be also losing my favourite hobby; daydreaming. Lol.

So ya, what contradictive sentiments I have right now.
Oh well, let’s just wait &see and let nature take its course. :D

During this fairly long break, I’ve been rather productive with chores. Lol. I’ve cleared out loads of rubbish in my drawers and study area. It feels so much spacious now. &completing my chores gives me a pinch of satisfaction at the end of the day!! :D
But I’m not really passionate about chores luh. Lol. Am just doing my part as a family member. ;)

If you actually read all the nonsense, I apologise for being so random. Lol. I’m just really bored. ;)
OH OH! I know what I could do. ;)
I’m going to install “The Sims” and start playing it! Woot! :D

Till the next time I’m back with another silly entry, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I just found out that “The Sims” disc is with my mother’s friend. Zzz I guess I’ll just stick with “Worms” now. Lol. Dang it! :D

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