Saturday, September 20, 2008

Be Appreciative.

LOL! Forget whatever I've typed below!! Lol.
Time-check: 11.02pm.
My mother came in and thanked me, also apologising for her yelling!! Sweeeeeeet! x3
The above is what happens when you have two fuming women at home. Lol. Thank god I'm not some petty person. :)













(But if you still wanna read it, you can copy and paste it to notepad or read it as it is.)

Some people, just don’t get it.
& I wonder why...

When someone gives you a task and you do it, you’ll most probably hear nothing from that person aftermath. Maybe not even be remembered for accomplishing it. But if you don’t do the task, you’ll most probably be reprimanded.
People seem to always remember the times you don’t do the things they ask you to; &Cleanly forgets the times you did help out.
Have you ever been caught up in such situations?

I seriously don’t get why it’s like this.
Or rather, I don’t see why it happens to me so often.

Yes, I know I am supposed to get it done. I GOT DO DE OKAY?! In fact, I’ve developed a tad interest.
(Well, I think it’s a rather good way to vent your frustrations.)
& I suppose you know nuts about that fact. Zzz

I don’t exactly expect to receive compliments all the time. But kind words sometimes are nice. At least some kind words. Is that a lot?

It’s like;
If I complete the task, it won’t be remembered.
If I don’t, I’ll be scolded in a manner like as if I never helped out;
“Why you always like that?!”, “Why are you so lazy?!”, “If you’re not heartless...” and blah blah blah. Why the harsh tone?!

Like wtf. Zzz In any case of me not doing a task, I don’t expect to be dealt with sarcasm or reproaches all the time. I’m not that bad, alright. Zzz
Despite ALL complains I have, you should know, I still do the work you ask me to. I just like to complain. Zzz

I know I’m not making much sense here. Well, I’m not exactly good with words to describe the situation perfectly. I’M JUST FUMING!

Another thing;
When I’m feeling truly exultant, jumping around acting like a fool, you say I’m crazy.
When I just want to be quiet and do the things you ask me to, you say I’m showing you attitude. Zzz I know my face was pretty sullen but I was trying my best to suppress my energy and do the things!!

There’s a say that goes something like... “Treat people the way you want to be treated in return”. It doesn’t always work, ya know?

Sigh. I just need a space to rant.

Pardon this entry. I was really furious just now. I’m cooled down now. :)
I’m now cross with myself though. I can’t seem to be angry for long. Zzz Silly.
I’ve also realise that I no longer turn to screaming and shouting when I’m pissed. I’ll suppress the anger and end up trying very hard to stop myself from tearing. Zzz Stupid.

PS: Sometimes, just leave me alone.

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