Thursday, May 29, 2008


I've been harboring a wish. One that will never come true.
That's to be a kid again. ;S


School has been boring as ever.
But, we've gotten some papers back today! :D
Quizzes of some we have had days ago.

Was quite satisfied with my Note taking & Listening quiz result. However, I don't think I deserve my Data Structure & Programming Technique quiz result. Really. But, I shall not continue to explain why.
Accounting quiz tomorrow and yet Jasmine's not a wee bit ready for it. What a bold panda. =x

**Writer's block. :(

Was watching some drama in Channel 8. I can't remember the title.
& stumbled into some nice nice ... I don't know... Just nice sentences? :D

Time is always a crucial factor in a missed opportunity.
If this is a mistake. I will not undo it.
Deluding myself don't make me happy.
I've woken up from my dreams.
I may not be the one you truly love. But, you are the one I understand inside out.
If you can't decide. Let's give the job to fate.

"It has been going on for so long. Enough."


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