Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Marketing Quiz!

Had our Marketing quiz today. 
I would say it was alright for me:
Was pretty easy. Or I should say, it was manageable. 

BUT! I realise there's always this case whereby my results would be contradictive to what I've said;
Like when I say a paper is pretty easy, I would usually get screwed up grades. It's very... Zzz
So so, I don't expect much from this paper. As long as I pass, I'm content. :D

Anyway, I think I would be off with at least a pass for this paper BECAUSE I studied for it! Like... WOAH! I haven't been doing much of those boring brain cells murderer things ever since my last 'O' paper! :D *applause for the good job!* 

The day before, studied in the VERY quiet library with Darius, Kristoffer, Gary & Stephanie. It was G-R-E-A-T. Peace and quiet. :)
I HAVE TO ALSO THANK KRISTOFFER! He helped me with revision today by understanding the whole concept himself! HAHA. FYI, He's studying a pure IT course. :D THANK YOU! 

Gary says I'm getting long winded in my post again. LOL!
Pardon me uh! Haven't been taking pictures lately. :x

Anyway. This is a random post.
Just wanted to update. =D

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