Tuesday, April 22, 2008



Here's an update regarding last night's dinner gathering with NPCONCC!
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ It was great being able to see them again. :)

School was alright. During our last lesson, Soohou crashed in the lecture because he had to wait for Gary and I. Then, we went over to AMK Hub. During the journey from my school to AMK Hub, Soohou had a great time teasing me. :( He always does that uh! LOL. But, he's the only one who makes me laugh till my tummy hurts! Haha.

First one we get to meet up with was Cindy, Jolene, Weishan and Yaping! Yaping was weird. Maybe because she wasn't feeling well, she was a little cranky! HAHAH.

We decided to have our dinner at NYNY (New York New York).

The few of us settled down before Lance came over following by the rest excluding Chiulee.

A few pictures of our dinner! :)

While waiting. :)

Chiuless came when we were finishing our food! Aww~ I think I haven't seen her for months! :):):):)
It was a very usual meet up until we were about to leave for home. Yaping, Yanling, Ivy, Samuel and I wanted to have an early rest so, we bid an early farewell and left.

Finally, all 13 of us are present!
Miss the great old times in school! :)

Because we haven't seen Chiulee for a while, we decided to take another picture with her!!!

The girls! Finally in full strength!

& The guys with Chiulee!
LOOK! Samuel smiled! :):):):)

Candid us! LOL.

Okay! Those were the last group photos we took before leaving. :(
Cindy hugged me! & We took a picture.

Do I look weird? LOL!
I was in tears, FYI. xD

Didn't know why but when we took the candid picture with Chiulee, I felt something weird. Everything's changing la~ Then, when the guys were taking that picture, I was almost in tears until Cindy hugged me. I cried. -.- LOL!
But I controlled! HAHAH.

Aftermath, they accompanied Chiulee for dinner while the few of us cabbed home. :)

Alright! I bet we'll meet up again soon.

PS: Sorry, I was being a little emotional.

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