Monday, April 21, 2008


Don't assume you know it all because you're not me. As a matter of fact, the tears weren't due to those misses only. I've been having a few trains of thoughts going through my mind lately. I just don't talk about it because I know what I would get; eventually.& That's the ever-best advises you would give. I know it's all part and parcel of life. I'm still growing up, if you've forgotten. These emotions and opinions are inevitable.

I was really disappointed. I didn't think those tears could end up as jokes; I don't see the point of the discussion because I wasn't tearing for some dirtied lollipop. They were just emotions.

You might have forgotten how you've spent your life as a child, as a teenage, but please; don't assume we're silly for doing what-you-think are silly things. WE ARE STILL TEENAGERS!

Rubbing salt to the wound; I've long guess you've read it, when I found it, but I didn't think there was a need to podcast it when I am around and ever discuss about it with my presence. I was pissed for the fact that discussions were needed not because you read it.

I was fuming, wasn't thinking; knowing I was exceeding your tolerance, I ignored for my blood was still boiling. I seriously needed sometime alone but being insensitive, you came and I bombed.

As a result, I got a very expected reaction. For all we both parties have done, the one at fault is still Jasmine. I was wrong to have shouted, I was wrong to have talk back, I was wrong to have screamed, I was wrong to have place that book at where I've left it, I was wrong to have teared, I was wrong to blame you, I am wrong now to post this entry because I seem sarcastic to put the blame on me... At the end of the day, Jasmine's blamed for all the commotion. Even, for this entry in this blog- she used to think she could blog freely. I know you read this and would get angry. But I have to express what I feel with no fear for I don't wanna live a lie.

PS: Don't give me insensitive comments because you're just being judgemental and biased.

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