Thursday, January 24, 2008

O's Result.

Got back our O' Level results today ; I'm glad.
I'm able to say my results out loud!
I cried with tears of joy!
& made my terrible headache worse.

ENGLISH ; B3 (An unexpected result! (= Thought I would get 5)
COMBINED HUMANITIES ; B4 (Unexpected too! I thought I would get a 9!)
MATHEMATICS ; A2 (Aimed for a 1 but a 2 will do too!)
PHYSICS ; C5 (sadded but expected.)
COMPUTER STUDIES ; A1 (Very unexpected but happy!)

L1R4 ; 11
L1R5 ; 15

Totally didn't expect to be able to achieve that!

Guess what I did when I got my result slip?
I threw it on the floor, told Gary : "I haven't see my results, I haven't see, I haven't see" and ran off to look at Yanling. Arg! The state she was in when I went to her broke my heart, totally!
I teared a little because of her. Then, I accompanied her half way to get her results before going back to my seat.
When I saw my results, I was so excited that I burst into tears! I wasn't able to calculate my results too. haha! As I dialed the numbers of my parents, I was shouting to Jiaxuan ; Asking her to calculate my results. xD I'm really shocked to cry the way I did. Apologies to those who thought I cried because I failed badly. (=
After the whole thing, Gary kept imitating the way I cried. =.=

Had a terrible headache when they started to have the NYP briefing. The noise, the noise! Anyway, had dinner with Gary, Ivy and Gary Kwan. (= Nice time together. ^^

Alright, my sister's weird. HAHA!
Buh bye! (=

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