Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Great Outings.. (=

A little summary for both outings ; 26 / 01 / 08 and yesterday (29 / 01 / 08). Because I'm a long winded person, this may result in a long post. (=

Saturday ; 26.01.08

It feels so good to do real shopping with girls only. xD Had a wonderful time with Jiaxuan and Yanling.
First, Jiaxuan and I went to NYP ; for she needed some advice with the courses she wanna go and the JAE thingy. Afterwhich, we chatted and listened to the lecturers. =.= Expected to be a little biased. Anyway, left with Gary and Kristoffer and headed towards Bugis. (= Met Yanling at Dhoby Ghaut.

When we spotted Yanling, my first reaction was : "What the hell? You're getting so... dark. Very ugly leh."

I guess I was a little too. . . harsh with what I've blabbered? Now, she really look like a Malay from afar. What more, she wore a white shirt - which totally outshine her skin colour and makes it look even darker ; and complimented it with a jumper. Not bad la. (=

My Beef Baked Rice.

Jiaxuan's Salmon Bake Rice.

The fried Salmon's nice.

Had lunch at one of Yanling's recommendations "Miss Clarity Cafe". Ambience is really nice but it was a little too crowded, very noisy. Had Beef baked rice and a glass of iced latte. Baked rice taste average, not worth the cost and the iced latte was... =.= I regreted not asking for a glass of plain water instead. The drink tasted almost like a plain water with a few drops of coffee powder.

As usual ; She always seem to be able to skip at least a meal when we go out. (=
Yanling and her lim juice again.

Haven't been in a mood to dress up lately. Lazy bone acting up again. Shopped around aimlessly ; shoes, bags and clothes. Wanted to try out Bugis street but the crowd was terrible!

LOL! Yanling playin ugly! haha.

Took train to Outram Park with hope to find the shop with the first nice bag I've bought so as to purchase another one for CNY. Well, we didn't manage to find the shop so, we gave the number stated on the card a call. They have shifted back to Bugis. =.= Feeling rather exhausted including the thought of the adult fare we're using, we continued our journey in Outram Park. A good thing Jiaxuan bought a dress in the "This Fashion", at least we didn't waste our time. Walked all the way from Outram Park to Chinatown and headed to Plaza Sing. Because of time constrain and some stupid things I need to get, we didn't manage to dine at PS nor shop there. Saw Zixiang but hurried to the train anyway. Headed to Kovan, ran some errand, had dinner and headed back home.

While awaiting for Jiaxuan to pay for her dress.

The ambience in Chinatown's really crowded. But I guess that's the thing about Chinatown that's so attractive during this festive season.

*I really hate it when I'm always the one with restrictions, with things to do when we're out having a great time, with rules I have no choice but to follow and of course, wasting people's time travelling around - now that we're using adult fares, it's worse. However, I can't do anything about it. This sucks.

Monday ; 29.01.08
Another great day shopping. This time with Soohou, Yanling, Eugene, Aaron and Nicholas. Okay, Nicholas only joined us after his work (@ around 5.30pm). Headed off to Far East and did our shopping in that whole building for like... 4 hours?! Well, Far East is not a place I would go shopping for my stuffs but because I had to get some gift, I went there anyway.
Yanling and the guys were the ones shopping most of the times and I'm sure they had great times - trying on clothes, judging the prices, considering how worthy it is (Soohou help with this most of the time) and actually purchasing them.
Pretty sadded to be 'window shopping' only since I don't fancy the things there but it's still fun with great companions. (= Afterwhich, we had our dinner at this "Raman Ten Restaurant" that Nicholas had sort of recommended. By then, Aaron has left for some appointment. So, we ordered our food, waited and started eating. =.= Anyway, the food is below average. I didn't try the fried noodles but I think the ramen tasted almost like those overcooked, really overcooked, instant noodles. However, they are still acceptable la. (= The thing that would hesitate me to recommend that place is the attitude of the people working there. Ya, their attitudes are way below average.

Alright, after dinner we headed off to Hougang Mall so that Nicholas could do some posting of mails before going for a few rounds of Pool. I was too exhausted to play. )= Then, headed home and rest. ^^
I look really... funny. LOL!

That's all I guess. Oh oh! I went shopping with my family on Sunday too! Bought a bag that's meant for CNY but I brought it out yesterday anyway. haha!
It's boring to be home doing nothing but I reckon that spending days out with friends almost everyday is much pointless and a little meaningless. I feel that life's heading towards nothing if I were to live my days so aimlessly - not that I loathe shopping or having outings with friends ; it's just that having no goals and things to do is simply... boring and meaningless. I miss having tonnes of homeworks, activities to organise, outings to look forward too (when schooling, we seldom get the chance to go get-aways, isn't it?) and of course, CCAs and committee meetings to attend to. );
Life now is great but life in school (and maybe life while working) is much better.

Alright, a contradiction ; I feel a little reluctant to start going to NYP tomorrow (Despite complaining the carefree life I'm living now). Ahhhh! A new start starting from tomorrow. I hate it when we have to start all over again almost. I hope I see some familiar faces tomorrow!

Buh bye! (=
PS : I suddenly have the urge to try out fish spa! (;

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