Thursday, December 20, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya!!


Loving my job but getting sick of hearing all the complains everyday. zZZ

Yes, it was a nice outing yesterday Tay XX! (:
Was a little embarrassed because I forgot Mahatthan Fish Market doesn't accept payment through NETS! Super... *faints
So, because we (Xiaoxuan and I) didn't have enough cash, I had to walk all the way to B2 to withdraw money. That was when I realised I'm left with only $58!! -.-
Arg! That's what I get from all the crazy shopping! After withdrawing, my bank account reads $8... zZZ *Regret!! Shouldn't have treated that lucky girl~ xD

Anyway, congrats Tao Suan for passing her N' level with a 9! (:
Not forgetting my other friends! You guys have deserved what you've achieved! (:(:

I need cash to buy exchange gifts!!! Goodness! Because of this, I've decided to drop the idea of taking leaves. UNPAID leaves. *headache.

Today's yet another great day with my family! x33

Alright, sleep is needed! (:

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