Saturday, December 22, 2007

Chalet!! (:

Weee-OO-Weet! (:
Tomorrow's NPCONCC's Chalet. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I can't wait to see every single one of them.
Bad news is, my parents forbid me to stay overnight. DRATS!
Mum claims it's because I've got work the next day. -.-


Dumb, should have applied leave long ago. Aww~ The Turkey, Belgium Chocolate and Waffle are too tempting la! Sorry. xD First time, first time! hahaha.
Hope I'll be able to apply leave on the 9th la. xD
Hmm. Come to think of it, it's good to be able to celebrate Christmas this year with different groups of people: NPCONCC, Colleagues, 2EC and 4EB good friends! hahaha.

Hope the few hours of fun will bring out the craziness in me(that I always have). hahaha!

Crazy, cried like crazy last night. -.- Stupid story line for "Why Why Love". All the conversations were so touching. Why can't these serials end in some ways that aren't sad at all?!
Aww~ Made my eyes swell, really swell.

Found a new maid, Mum's sending Jiejie Yani home. )= In actual fact, it's Jiejie Yani who wants to go home so as to get married with her Boyfriend. Aww!! This should be a bad news but somehow the news made me feel relief at the same time. zzZ *Contradictions!

I can't believe she(Jaslene) won, with her bone-ny figure but I can't deny the fact that she's damn, DAMN talented to be a model. *Impressed. (:

(This is cycle 8.)
Guess what, guess what?!
America's pod-casting Cycle 9 already! Aww! I wanna watch, I wanna watch - I wanna watch!!
Ohhhhhhhhh! I was still watching it before O'levels eh. xD Now cycle 8 is all over! ):

I need another hair cut man! I wanna change my hair styleeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


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