Monday, June 04, 2007



LOLS! wanted to post up pictures taken today but too bad, i don't have all of them. then, i said i would post about Nicholas being a LIAR but i forgot all about it untill Darius reminded me. Lols.
so stupid. Nicholas lied to me and tricked me into telling the truth. STUPID!! bastard~ lols.
was lazy to blog one larhs. stupid Nicholas. lied to me and made me swear i would post about him lying~ lols.

lesson today was okayy? but i was a little tired today. slept late last night okayy! lols. then because i was tired, i was being a little too high? hahas. then after that, had lunch with godmama, Sinmin and Yanling. hahas. kindda miss being a lower sec. lunch was GREAT! Sinmin's super CUTE!! dined at NewYork NewYork but compared to the previous visit, today's lunch was D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!!! hahas. thanks godmama~ ^^
after lunch took the train and accompanied Yanling to puggol station (but i didn't alight) and sat all the way back to dohby gauh. LOLs.

tired. sighs. assignments are waiting for me.. -.-

wondering hows the BBq at Lance house. hmms.. lols. anyway, today's his birthday:
Happy Sweet 16 LANCE~ (:
held a small celebration in 4EA? celebrating both Lance and Cindy's birthday. next would be that gay Gary? lols.

okayy so i guess i'll leave now. ^^

and, i hate liars.
Nicholas, please remember that. LOLS!
*P.S: oops, i forgot you're old and may have a bad memory but no matter what, MUST REMEMBER that i totally DETEST LIARS!! lols.

buh bye!

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