Sunday, June 10, 2007


it's been ages since i've been online and now, i'm back to blogging!!

fine! i'll update since you insist. but, it would be a short one because i'm suppose to be playing 'Audition' with Gary. LOLs.
Nicholas, you are still a BIG OLD LIAR with a little adorable GIRLFRIEND!! hahas.
&i didn't lie to you okayy! hahas.

was late for Amaths tuition today and it's obvious that she's pissed. sighs.
went out today to celebrate Cindy's birthday with Gary, Lance, Weishan, Ivy, Serene, Cindy, Yanling and Samuel and dined at Marche. it's a nice first experience, i should say? hahas. after having lunch, took some pictures; slacked and as usual, joked around teasing each other. then, we were wondering where to go before deciding to head to 'Best' and get the birthday girl a sewing maching. bought a -Brother brand sewing machine. aiyahh, so cheap only; it's $1.69! lols. had a difficult time persuading Cindy to the toilet? hahas. i bet she guessed it already larhs. but she still looked shocked? hahas!
then, we waited for IGNATIUS, went to do stuff with money and left Vivo for Hougang Mall. they were persuaded by me to go there! hahas. then, slacked around before leaving for home. was late though. XD

had a fine chat with WeiShan. ahh. miss those chatts.

i'm losing appetite lately &i'm spending alot of money on stuff! hahas. was doing my account just now and realised that i can really spend. LOLs.
went out yesterday with mummy, sister, Darius and Nicholas to look for presents. then, tidy up what we wanted to do before meeting Gary and Soohou for pool and dinner. met Cindy too! (:
bought a tiny cake and wished her an early birthday~ ^^

okayy, i think i should be going. lols. gotta play Audition le. hehs.
NO MORE INTENSIVE!! yeahs!! hahas.
planned out my studying scheldue and i'm soooooooooooooooo looking forward to it~! [:
now i realise i was actually a fool all along. but, the clearer i see what i would be expecting, the more i feel reluctant to face it. i hate this! i hate this all. sighs. if only i knew it in the beginning..

buh bye!


hope you like my gift and out present! ^^
i'll miss you when you're in China. enjoy your time there dearie. (:

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