Thursday, March 08, 2007



Presents received on my Birthday itself.

Advanced Birthday gift on the fourteenth day of the Lunar New Year.
Thanks Ahyee. this cup is sweeeeet!!

The "Surprise" my parents actually wanted to give.
sorry mum and dad. but, i STILL LOVE THIS!!

First present for the day!

Thanks Zakiah! Like it.

Second present for the day.
Thanks LiJian and Aaron. Fancy having to THROW this gift to me in the morning. XP

From Rufi, my beloved "mummy"!!

From the 2eC (2005) guyys. sorry, i can't remember the names who gave this. but still, thanks!!

The flower's from Zhiyu and the box with the marvelous handphone from prefectorial board. they also gave a picture (without me!!) but it was said that if we take picture from a photo, something might happen. ohh well.

First cake. Thanks Zakiah. I was REALLY surprised! LOLs.

Stupid ammarah!! LOLs. ruin my name with the holes.!!

From the many many people. thanks for the wishes. you guys are rememebered!
this is the best birthday!!

LOLs. me, JIAOcindy and CUTEchiulee.

Second cake for the day.
i didn't expect this to come too. thanks gary and serene.
we really had a long chat~ =]

received this on the next day. thanks wanchin and yuxin. =]
i like this piggy. it's the PIG year!! lols.

Next batch of presents received on 03.03.07 on the celebration day.
thanks all of you. told you not to bring anything extra already. so stubborn! =]

From most of the NPCO with a card. thanks hor weishan~ still say special. LOLs.
I like this photo frame but i can't open it to put our picture!! LOLS.

From my beloved childhood friends xiaoxuan and minghong. thanks aunty teo for buying the gift on their behalf. i like it. what's more i don't bear to use them. LOLs.

from the guyys, Kristoffer, Darius, Nicholas and Yong Quan.
thank you!

thank you eugene, third cup for the year! LOLs. =]

last gift from jolene and felicia.

very cute!! LOLs.


hope i've posted up MOST of the gifts. i know i didn't post up Cindy's Nails voucher and chocolate and GarySSSSS's photoalbum and that name they both gave. thanks a lot.=]

really was surprised to be blessed with friends like them.

this is certainly the best birthday i will never forget. but, it's sad that my very good friend i treasure most didn't wish me. i hope it's because she's too busy but not because she forgot. your wishes really mean a lot..

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