Thursday, November 30, 2006

dumb me!

forgot something so came back to post again. i've just finish playing audition giving up my two favourite tv programme. sighs. head a bit heavy but i still played with a blinded eye. LOLs. my throat DAMN dry lo. urg!! drink water so pain..

feeling so hungy but i'm not gonn fill it. ^^ i going to sleep and let my hunger just go. it works for me. hahas. =]

okay~ my purpose of posting again is not about that. i wanted to post about what i did in the morning. guess what i did. i thought i woke up late but i end up preparing myself early. left house early and felt that there's no point being the first to reach so i waited for fifteen minutes before boarding the bus. LOLs. there were three buses i can board: 82, 107 and 113. 82 and 107 kept coming but i didn't board. i wait alone at the bus stop until about fifteen minutes later before making up my mind to take 113. hahas. so stupid. at that time when i was waiting, i was so lonely lo. wanted to message people but don't think anyone wake up so early. wanna call also scared will disturb.. hais. so no choice wait alone and watch how people wait for bus. as in what expression hangs on their face. =]

anyway, i'm hungry, throat DAMN dry, back very very pain, eyes pain, tired and damn damn hot all over.. dun know why.. urg!! falling sick again!! LOLs. LAME! dun know why so high. BLEAHS! =] buh bye! miss CO!! hmms.

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