Monday, July 03, 2006


came online to link people and suddenly thought of posting.

it is yet another boring afternoon at home. but it's a good thing that there's no school for today. phew. =]

not watching "ai qing mo fa shi" because my sister is watching "mtv" wasting my time. tsk! lols.

went to library on friday to borrow some books but i'm not sure whether i'm reading them just yet. hahas. should i start reading the first page tomorrow or? hmms.

tomorrow is another day to be wasted in school. it's a tuesday which means i have nothing on in the afternoon. a good thing. for the first week, i have been reaching home real late. =]

ohh yeahs! brought back my instrument but i haven't touch it tday. hmms. better get those fingers moving. =]

gotta go. ciao! =]

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