Saturday, July 08, 2006

Five whole days.

I just realise that I haven't been updating my blog since the third of July which is FIVE days ago. although five days is not a very long period of time, many things have happened. basically, for the whole of this week, i haven't had any real rest.

Things have been real rushing and tight. Courses, talks and some other stuffs have been taking my time for rest and friends at the very last minute, or i should say second? =] i'm real tired. tuition tomorrow again. gosh. i haven't touch her assignments yet. how i wish she would be held up by something real urgent that she has to CANCEL the tuition. urg!

Anyway, if i have the time tonight or maybe tomorrow, I'll update everything that i've done the whole week. will also try to include much of my feelings as detailed as possible.

hehes. till then, i'll part first. gotta rush through my tuition assignments.

buh bye!

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