Wednesday, June 28, 2006

feeling much better.

have you ever experience being given a obvious fake smile? gosh. i had it yesterday after chinese lesson and gary witnessed it.

i really feel tired to live around people like them. no peace. forever tolerating them. what's the point of being polite to them when they were harsh to me? i really regret. urg!

anyway, what has happened has happened. what i know now is, he's history. =] really disappointed but still, it really helped me get rid of him. now i'm afraid to repeat history again. another history but still under history. hahas! getting sick and tired of living in the world of cruel human kinds.

i really pity her at least she now see her tail. fancy believing that she has really changed into someone better. tsktsktsk. facts can't be changed as simple as ABC. let's drop that subject. i don't wanna hurt anyone anymore. =] i'm hurt and bruised with injuries so i hope no one end up like me too. =]

anyway, had fun at hougang mall with fengni jianhui gary donna samuel and of course the cute chanelle. it's been a while since i last went out with chanelle and gang. hahas. it feels so good being wanted and most importantly, TRUSTED. i had the feeling of being not trusted and suspected. why don't just confront that person? isn't it better? hahas.

today, sort of asked jiaxuan for help because of my critical mood these days after that incident. she told me that it's a critical moment for me but also a good opportunity for me to see who are the ones who treats me good from the heart and those who did them to use me. what's more she made a factual remark about me being "worthless" to those who likes to use me. i'm no longer a doll following my owner. at least now i know how to differentiate the good and the bad.

i've finally really realise the importance of family. no matter how irritating, demandind, idiotic and so on parents are, they did them out of care. really love my parents but somehow, i can't control what comes our from my mouth. sometimes i just say things like vomitting, dirty and totally not controlable. =] i don't think there's such word as controlable but who cares? =p

have been in good talking and also playing condition with my sister. also found the importance of having a irritating sister like her. just hope she can hurry up get over her serious mood-swing. she has been having alot lately. can scold her but i can't blame her. it's part of life to have mood swings bahs.

today was the writing competition. it took me a long time before i really could understand the starting of the narrative composition and i wasted my time thinking about what i should write. wanted to talk about ice age but ended not even getting there.

anyway, gotta save money because i've promise the juniors to treat them pizze hut if i get compliment about all seven of them. also, i have to buy tee-shirt. also a camera and a new
handphone. urg!

gotta run. =] buh bye!

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