Monday, October 04, 2021


Having suspected something happening, and actually seeing the said something really happen......... fwah. The emotion I felt is straightforward, yet complicated.

But at least, the suspicion cushioned the pain(?) No, the days, weeks and months of silence probably did.

I'm not even sure if it is pain that I feel. Maybe feeling betrayed is the better description. 

No, feeling hurt says it all.

I suspected the disappearance was because someone else came into the picture. Like how so many of the bypassers in my life had disappeared. No, heck… even some friends still in my life now have done it. Disappeared because they got attached.

Some of these said friends are still kindda not in my life tbh… I mean…. Still there but not really there, mostly there when activated at their own convenience. You know?

It's a sickening recurrence. Lol. Sucha cliché.

But even so, I understand. It happens.

People get attached, and have to divert their attention.
People get attached, and no longer have time for other people.
People get attached, and get sucked into another universe that's just them and their partner.
People get attached, and suddenly have no more use of the people they once called friends.
People get attached, and have to become assholes to people who were there when they were single.

I understand. It happens. I cannot throw a fit.

Who am I anyway?

I get it. I was just conveniently there. Always conveniently there. Conveniently available to fill up their time.

A convenient fool I must say.

It is definitely not because I have never been attached. Please, there are people who are capable of striking a balance. 🙄

I just don't understand why suddenly disappearing is the way to go. Cannot at least share the good news? Cannot still be friends meh?

Does becoming attached make you forget the person you text daily for a fucking long time?! At least one fucking year can?! Where the decency of a human being?!

I fucking hate myself for feeling upset over such assholes and then still be conveniently standing there with open arms when they do come back later. 

Fuck you, Jasmine. You fucking dumbass.

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