Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Rat Race.

I am confused. . . Finding it hard to find the words for my thoughts tonight.

Had a conversation earlier about careers and I was told it is time for me to leave. Again. Someone telling me I should leave. Back in January, someone said to me "So what if you are now a sub-lead? Your pay is still shit." And many times, my close friends from work would encourage me to leave because "4 years is long enough."

I am confused.

Should I be as eager to be in the rat race? To evaluate my own worth based on how much I am being paid? Is deciding to stay put a sign that I am just lazy and too comfortable where I am?

Why can't I just want to stay put because I like my current work environment, and isn't bothered that my salary is "below average" for my age? Why is this being labelled "stuck in the comfort zone for my own good"? What is the average anyway......

On what scale? Whose scale?

I am well aware that I am the only one amongst my circle of close friends to be drawing less than 4. Also well aware that my sister may one day surpass this figure.

Okay, then?

Does joining everyone else in the rat race mean I am doing good for myself, with my life? Is climbing up the ladder and earning as much as everyone else means I am capable and more successful? And if I don't, I am less successful?

Much too often, I hear colleagues comparing their own salaries with their friends in other companies. In banks. How much more they earn, and how much shittier work is here. . .

I don't get it.

Is not comparing with others, and not making myself feel miserable, so bad? Does that really mean I am not earnest enough in life to strive and do better?

I am happy now. Genuinely happy. Is that not enough?

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