Sunday, January 01, 2017

Countdown in KL!

2017 started on a sick note for me. I hope it doesn’t signify that I’ll be falling sick often this year? Superstitious much.

But other than that, the end to 2016 and start in 2017 was pretty chill. For the first time, the family celebrated and counted down to the new year together! Ended the year with our second trip to KL and kick-started 2017 with our annual KL trip. Lol.

Shopped so much, ate as much! Hehe. Just wanted to make it rhyme though we did shop and eat a lot. Not many pictures this year though... Is it something to do with age? I'm not as enthusiastic to snap snap snap. :/ Also, I'm really bummed we didn't get to sing karaoke this time because my throat was being a total bitch! Time was tight too... SOBS!

Good trip nonetheless, and HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!

Our trip in a few snaps!

Happy Dad, happy family. ;)

The tub my sis slept in during our trip.
Ha ha ha.

So so true!

To more trips together!

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