Friday, November 25, 2016

Happy Days At Work

It's late, but I'm still working on my damn minutes because I am so freaking slow and easily distracted to complete them on time........ And now I digress from my main blogging purpose tonight because I got distracted again by my own train of thoughts. -.-


While I was summarizing my meeting notes, making sense of things and trying to minute the discussion in my own words, I suddenly had a thought...

"I've been happy. I've been happy at work. . ."

It's not exactly a random thought flashing tonight. I've been having such quick thoughts lately, but tonight... I just want to pen type out my thoughts because..... You know, this is definitely more interesting than my minutes even if it means I am going to be sleeping later than planned.

SOOOOOO going to be dead at work tomorrow.

And here I am digressing from the main point again. Tsk.
It's been a while since I've done this typing 'diarrhea'... And I miss it. Just nonsense typing whatever comes into my mind because I'm having too much thoughts running around in my head, and... mostly because I'm just bored. Lol! I wish I could quickly complete my blog entries for 2015, get over with all that, and start on current affairs updates!

Anyway, back to the point of this entry. For real.

I've been happy.

It's been almost 6 months since my start at the new place (trust me, it feels like a year have passed), but it's only lately that I've been laughing a lot more at work amidst the mountain load of work. Laughter is a good medicine to stress. A very good medicine. Especially for someone who enjoys laughing like me. HA.HA.HA. Really.. It's good.

All the laughing these days is probably because of this one colleague. She's so fun and easy to talk to, and we're so similar yet different. Birthdays a day different and age 12 years apart. We share so many similar thoughts and such. Lunch time have been a lot more enjoyable; we tease each other so much and just feel... comfortable and relaxed with each other. It's good. I don't think I've felt this much comfort with people I've worked with before.. And so quickly. I think it's just almost one month for this colleague of mine.

This level of comfort. It's scary though, because when you get used to things and like how things are, any form of change could shake things up... Which may not necessarily be a good thing.

On a closing note, because it's really late and I have to get back to my minutes... Ermagawwwd, the minutes. T_T

I really hope this happy phase continues for a longer time....

And I hope one day, I'll be good and quick enough to complete my minutes - For now, I'll just dream of the days I never have to do this damn thing ever. For now. :'(

I really hate taking meeting notes.......... Hate.

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