Saturday, November 26, 2016

A Church Wedding

This morning's affair; Attending Simin's solemnisation!

It was a lovely unfamiliar experience - First time attending a Christian wedding in a church! The place was dolled up like what we see in movies and it kindda felt... surreal? Especially when Simin march-ed in looking gorgeous in white like... "This is just like the movies!" lol.

The wedding was relatively short too (which is pretty awesome? lol), after witnessing the couple say their vows (always get to me sobs), we took turns to take pictures with them and headed out the church for lunch - Buffet spread! We had one round, chatted with each other a bit and left.

It was a pity we hardly got to speak to Simin though. Leaving that for another time!

And that was that. =p

I really liked how they organised the photo-taking though. Super organised! They grouped people together and flashed them up on the screens around so people would know; also because people were scattered around the church.

Oh how time flies, felt like it was just last week we had the bachelorette party (X); but okay la... It was last month. Lol.

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