Monday, October 24, 2016

Simin's Bachelorette Party!!

Love is in the air;
Simin's getting married next month and we threw her a bachelorette party over the weekend!!

It was super fun; right from the planning stage!
And I came to realise, how much a weekend could do to really recharge someone!

I am actually a little grouchy from the lack of rest HAHAHA, but I felt really energised having spent a good weekend with friends! Does that even make sense? It's like you go on a vacation and head straight back to work; though you may not have had enough rest, you still feel refreshed and energised! Ready for more work, yes! Well, at least for me.......? lol.

That is, of course, apart from the withdrawal syndromes you'll inevitably get after knowing that the vacation you've been looking forward to is over....... I sometimes get it even right after the trip begins so screw that. Lol.

Anyway, I think what we did was a pretty typical bachelorette party? Booked a hotel room, decorated it with balloons fairy lights and rose petals (albeit fake), prepared food, surprised the bride-to-be, camwhored, went for dinner and drinks before coming back to the room for much needed "sleep".

We also came up with some dares that Simin didn't do, so tsk. They were so simple!!

It's okay, we had fun and that's what matters.

While the staycation wasn't a surprise, she probably didn't know we styled the room and prepared food!

So.... While we set a pretty late meet up time with Simin, the rest of us met up much earlier (like 10am) to get all the necessary items from a party shop at Tekka Mall and food from Somerset 313.

Clara in the lobby of Mandarin Orchard Singapore with our white and blue balloons!

Tekka Mall's party shop is relatively cheap!! Especially if compared to other shops; we didn't get enough though, so there was a mix of smaller sized balloons we got from Centrepoints' party shop. Our decoration expense was slightly under $88. Not that bad, right? Heh.

Everything is up and lighted!
The fairylights were damn tricky! And we might have slightly peeled off some of the hotel's white paint :(

Speaking of hotel..... We got the room at a really really good price thanks to Christina who works there! It was just $105! Covered by 4 of us, it was like $26 per pax; affordable and worth it! We tried searching for other hotels and venues (like Airbnb), but they weren't good enough for our pocket or plan.

The final setup; ensured the balloons were evenly placed. LOL.

&Here's me placing all the food we got!
This is ensuring everyone (but Simin) gets what we want/crave for. LOL.

Tired Christina after ensuring we don't ruin her hotel. Lol.

And all these food (&some Gongcha) cost us about $93.
Damn filling for us 5, so I would say it was just nice and not too overboard?

Unsuspecting Simin~ heheh.

So we ate and caught up a bit here and there with each other's life before we freshen up; camwhored and left for bites and drinks!

Photoshoot; start-o!

I look like I'm screaming, laughing so big, and Huanqing is just sitting there almost enough with our shit already. Lol.

I am glad to have known them during the very beginning of my Polytechnic days though. ♥

Huanqing totally had enough with us face. Lol.

One of the very few dares we got her to do and I think the only one she did; put on that sash.

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The one thing that costs us the most this weekend would be drinks..... Everything we have spent so far won't even match the expense on the drinks! That was like a frigging $208........... Drinking is so freaking expensive here. Should totally buy our own drinks and be our own bartenders or something.

But no, we weren't drunk - My face is only red because of the lighting at the bar. We are all responsible drinkers and could very safely cab back to our hotel, find our room and shower before bed. ;)

So going to look back at these and feel blessed with them in my life.

I actually find it pretty amazing how we stuck out so long since DPA days. Though we hardly meet each other now, it is still nice to have a group of friends you can meetup to have a nice dinner together and even do these sweet celebrations together!! Hopefully not the last one? Hahha.

Seriously, all 5 of us have very very different personality... So different that it's a wonder how we haven't fought with each other, but could remain as friends? Lol. Life.

Or maybe, it is precisely because we hardly meet each other, thus we don't spend enough time to be annoyed with each other? HAHAHA.

Can't wait for her wedding; 1 month 2 days to go!!

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