ps: Christmas is just an excuse used to meet up la. xD
Though it was merely a plain-Jane dinner; we definitely had a plain-Jane great time. ^^
I have vague idea how the farm animals came about but it all started from Guan with her being the beef and Emily later being called pig. These two animals kept having animal fights in whatsapp. So much so that human Xiuqing and I had troubles joining in. (LOL!) While planning for tonights dinner, I was suddenly Pig's Chicken. :O
Brief ideas for Xiuqing's animal were thrown here and there but we finally settled on one today. Yes, the
ps: It was initially the Rabbit but I later found out we changed it to Sotong because it fits Xiuqing best. xD

I really like this place. Really.

Beef and Pig~~

Chicken & Rabbit Sotong
After these shots, we went ahead to take foood!!! We were famished! (Or at least, I was~ Skipped lunch to nap.)
&Then, the next time I saw the table, IT WAS 3/4 FILLED WITH FOOOOOOOOD!!! Lol. A bit exaggerated uh, considering the fact that we don't exactly eat a lot. And the bad habit of ours is....... We always take 4 servings for each type of food. LOL! Tsk tsk. Second time here ah~~~
When we went for desserts, we weren't exactly done with our main course. Girls are naturally more interested in pastries and are looking forward to desserts ah~~ xD I saw one of the waitress there trying to figure out which plate she should clear and which she should not. She end up just peeking and then leaving empty handed. LOL. She prolly thought that we are monsters to take so much food.
&Then, the next time I saw the table, IT WAS 3/4 FILLED WITH FOOOOOOOOD!!! Lol. A bit exaggerated uh, considering the fact that we don't exactly eat a lot. And the bad habit of ours is....... We always take 4 servings for each type of food. LOL! Tsk tsk. Second time here ah~~~
When we went for desserts, we weren't exactly done with our main course. Girls are naturally more interested in pastries and are looking forward to desserts ah~~ xD I saw one of the waitress there trying to figure out which plate she should clear and which she should not. She end up just peeking and then leaving empty handed. LOL. She prolly thought that we are monsters to take so much food.
(Some of them I think)
Not the type to take shots of the food we had. But did a quick snapshot for the food we took for tonight - So that you guys can have a sneak peek at the food they have! ^^ Not really my best shots because we were famished and I didn't wanna waste time trying to find the best angle and all so I just aimed and shot. :D

Got scammed! Thought we saw udon in the sample! Pfft.

Highlight of the buffet for Guan and I. xD


I'm not a coffee person and therefore, don't really eat Tiramisu.
But the ones they bake are pretty good. I ate like two?

Not into sesame~~~

The strawberry shortcake is good too! (Y)!

Nice right???
Carefully placed the waffles and topped them with maple syrup and chocolate! :D

Our prawn peeler
once again~~
Our prawn peeler
once again~~

I still can't get over the fact that I'M GONNA MISS HER 21ST CELEBRATION.
*sits in a dark corner to emo*

Cute shot of Guan Guan. :D

Emily's self-embroidered towel for me!!! ^^

&My surprise for them! ^^
(Apart from the surprise dinner treat too. hehehe.)

Emily was really hyper when she saw me taking out the candy canes. LOL

Taking picture of my gift~~ *shy*

Longggg way to get her gift ah. lol.

A pig for the pig!

"Also don't look like a cowww!"

Xiuqing doesn't have a plushie because we only decided on her animal like~~ after this gift opening?! lol.

Like prize presentation uh? haha.

She was so embarrassed while doing this (there were many people around), it was so cute!

My new blankie!!!! ^^
To be used after Christmas because I'm super busy this week to do the necessary arrangement.
ps: Haven't told my blankie about this! X=

Because the toilet had really nice and colorful tiles for a background! :D

&Before I leave.
A shot of Sugar staring at our door trying to use her eye/mind power to get me to open the door.
Kindda worked because I was wondering why she sat there so quietly and motionlessly from the corner of my eye. LOL! She sat there for quite some time ah! TOO CUTE! :D

more to come. ^^