Spot the moving train I kindda fail to take a shot of. xD

It's gone... :(

But honestly, I can't really recall how the decorations were like the past years~~ :x lol.
Unsure if it was me or both of us; but we had the feel to snap some shots like many other tourists or locals alike. :) Gift hunting was.......... :/ Only manage to buy one. Zz Continued gift hunting yesterday but......... bought nothing. Zz My feet were overworked for nothing. Sobs!
But I had a really nice free(LOL! :x) date yesterday. Shopped around Suntec, Marina Square and Raffles City (lunched @ Watami here too!) before going for "You Are The Apple Of My Eye" in Bishan.
ps: Thank youuu berry beryy muchie Stewie for paying everything yesterday! hehehe. ♥
The movie is really good though. After Weishan's continual reminder to just enjoy the movie and not expect it to be good, I actually went in neutral but came out really liking the movie. I LIKE THE MAIN LEADS!!! The actress so prettyyy! &Of course, the actor is just... ♥.♥ How can anyone be good looking in any angles?! hehehe.