Monday, September 12, 2011

Replay~ Replay~ Replay~

I'm at work.
But my soul's back in the Concert Hall. xD
Sigh. How I wish the concert can just keep going on or just be replayed again and again! >< Just finished lunch and got to know that some of my colleagues are into K-Pop! And one of them only know SHINee + like the songs they performed in E Awards '10. Wooooooo~~~ lol. At least something common I know of now, because I still gotta work on making friends in here.. :/
It's kindda difficult even for someone like me because they are mostly work-oriented. And, they don't really respond to me. Lol. FOR NOW though. I'm gonna be the change I wanna see! :) Every lunch is an opportunity! I'm gonna talk K-Pop tomorrow onwards. LMAO.

It's amazing how things can change. Before lunch, I was stringing an entry in my head while working.. The entry was a sad one. About me feeling horrible and all. But woot! Things has changed and I'm glad I'm a positive person. :D Because right now, I only feel half the sadness I had before 1230hrs~

Still sian though. Because I'm pretty much quiet for the whole 8 1/2 hours here. x,x Then again, it's actually good for me now though, for my losing voice. >< Sales side is noisy. I wanna be part of that too... lol. OKAY. LUNCH OFFICIALLY OVER. Oh ya, one of them commented on me saying; "She doesn't look like those who would scream."
Yes, I don't. But for SHINee and 2NE1, it's different. LMAO!!!!


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