ps: I find Jolene's Chinese name cute. hehehe.


My second time to Marche this week. >< Went to the one at Somerset313 with Jasmine, Yongwei, Yanhua and Robbin on Tuesday and there I was at the restaurant again. Lol. Hopefully not going broke but definitely getting bored of the food.
On another random note, I CAN'T WAIT FOR JAP BUFFET WITH THE GIRLS NEXT THURSDAY. KYAAAAAAAAA!!! But right now, I'm hundred times more excited and a million times more unable to wait for tomorrow. SHINee's WORLD CONCERT. OMG OMG OMG!!!
Okay, sorry. No spazzing. That was the first and last.
Was late to meeting Weishan as I hurriedly printed a cheapskate picture as a cheapskate card. LOL! Thought that counts right?! And then, ......... sorry, I can't recall what we did when we arrived..... Oh! lol. We walked around a little to look out for dining place (haven't decided on Marche at that time).
Awfully Chocolate next for Chocolate (DUH!) icecream!!! &Then, Jolene came before we strolled around a bit before FRUIT PARADISE *throws confetti&dances around in circles*~~

After almost a million attempt to have it with them, we have finally had them!!! Tarts were nice, tea was berry-ish. xD
Shopped around thereafter before the guys arrive and then headed off to Marche for dinner. I realize the outlet in Vivo City is kindda small and crampy. :/ Maybe because it's small. But definitely because I've been to the one at Somerset313 more often, and because the one there is bigger. lol. Anyho!
Best way to enjoy a meal smartly is to order a mixture of stuffs and split costs. Definitely better than ordering one's own portion. Cheaper! And get the chance to taste more variety of foooood!

"Sorry, you are not allowed to take pictures here."
*nods and move to another spot to take picture. xD*

Lance the waiter a.k.a the one with a shaky hand.

Yes yes, Rosti again.
Can never skip this if you are there okay!

There were more orders but we end up eating them already. lol.

spot the cute boyboy behind. :D

tsssssk. Weishan staring at me again. :$

Spells 'Lance has shaky hands"

Lance has lousy phototaking stability!!!!!!!! >:(

There were plenty of cam-whoring! :D

But first, here are some fun fun pictures!


Definitely had a good laugh at these pictures!


Okay, a shot of the guys.

&back at us! Lol.

"What are you doing to my hair???"

Looking at me and smiling so sweetly, this Weishan ah... LMAO!

Wanted to Partyworld K after that but end up doing last few shoppings before heading to <b>Scoopz!</b> for card games. Monopoly Deal (birthday girls cheated!!!! >:'( hmph!), Uglydoll and Saboture.
Night ended perfectly; wishing the girls happy birthday and surprising them (kindda) with the gift card we bought for them. Apparently, they were too engrossed into replying everyone else's wishes than listening to me talk about the pretty pink gift card!!! >:( kindda just yelled and got their attention before passing it to them. Lol.
I was kindda too exhausted to think and act properly. LOL.

My crazy friends!

The pretty pretty gift cards!

Anyho! I couldn't crash in bed immediately when I got home. Prepared stuffs for work next day just in case I couldn't wake up... And the, watched the last bits of Gag Concert, a few K-Pop videos and news before I finally shut my eyes for a nice 4 hours! :D
Woke up this morning wanting to shut my eyes back right away. lol. Probably didn't sleep well because morning welcomed me warmly with an aching body. :O Lol. And a sore throat. What a way to party for the weekends my body is doing.

Anyways, I realize, I really do fall sick during the first week of a new job. Happened to me during Pizza Hut first week, Juan Kuang's first week, Internship's first week, Inifinite's first week and now this. :/ Body's way of telling me it's transitting to adaption already?
Lunch over...

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