Wednesday, July 06, 2011

When you wake up from the wrong side of the bed.

Maybe it's this ^, or probably just the lack of sleep accumulated over the days; I'm kindda super moodless to talk or, in fact, do anything at all. Super moodless and sleepy. ~,~ Come to think of it, it may also be the hyperness I was being yesterday. Happy and crazy for the whole of yesterday. Lol. Probably drained two days of my energy already. :O

Then again, I think it's because it is the start of the day. >< The usual morning blues people get because they are "forced" to be separated from the love of their lives (bed) for a few hours. LOL. Yes, being stupid here *waves*. Anyway, I can't wait for sojubang dinner tonight with ugly bestfriend. kekeke. xD So, in conclusion, I think it's morning that's making me feel gloomy. ~,~

With my mood already on the rocks this morning, the noise pollution made by two Myanmarese talking (nonstop since an hour or so ago!) in their alien-ish language is totally not helping at all. I wanna listen to Class 95 in peace!!! But nah, I don't wanna be stupid and unreasonable to say "Hello, enough ready, keep quiet, don't talk talk talk ready, nothing to do study English," (in my usual @office broken English) just because I am not in the right mood right now. ~,~

Must sleep early tonight.

May luck be with me to be entitled for a second interview. *kneels down and pray with both hands interconnected with each other and forming a two hand fist*

Yes, I do get more crazy when I'm too tired. So I'm not sure if I am being crazy from tiredness or just being plain stupid. :/

I still feel stupid for bringing out a memory card-less and empty battery + spare battery camera last night. LOL. "So rare for this to happen," my friends repeated. sobsobs Yes yes, I must be stupid yesterday.

I'm hungry. :/


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