Tuesday, June 07, 2011


Today, I'm slightly bruised.
Both emotionally and physically.

And this emotional bruise has got me to make another decision this month. In which, I only hope I can stick to it like a loyal dog. :/ In fact, I must stick to it like a sickening obsessive person.
Only for the better. :'(

Physically bruised by Sugar today; as she woke me up in the morning just to bite me (her bites are getting painful!), get me to clear her poop and pee. Zz And the best way to welcome the day? Accidentally stepping on the pee without realizing it while walking from the spot to the kitchen and then back. Lol. Had to mop the entire area I set foot on. >< Apart from these two silly incidents, today is actually a pretty good day. Most credits to my good mood, babo chingu and hutu girls. xD Quite surprised with my good mood because I actually slept rather little. :/ Anyway, GOOD MOOD FTW!!! ;) With a good mood and a good day, everything seems to cruise by smoothly! ^^

I just need a little bit more luck in closing deals. :/

Time has been ticking off rather fast during work, these two days. Or maybe it's because I've been busy. Lol. It's a good thing, ain't it? At least time is ticking off faster, days passing by faster, months getting by faster, pays coming in faster and... 2011 coming to and end faster... :O Okay fine, it's only halfway through.

Then again, I realize I kindda don't look forward to paydays...
One simple reason: Because with paydays, comes time-to-pay-bills days too! >:( So so so sad to see hard-earned money go to bills that chokes me almost the death. :'(
(Okay, yes, I'm exaggerating. The solution to this sorrow is to find a better, and higher, paying job. I'm on it already, stop rushing me! xP)

I can't wait for someone to arrive. With her arrival marks my official half-deal being closed!! Why half a deal? Because she's my mum's friend. x,x So I'm only taking half a credit in closing the case. :/
GYM, give me more more more luck in closing cases can? So many walk-ins but never once closed a deal.... Grrrrr... *Need patience*

Another week, another 8days straight, with no rest days. Goddddd. Can die. Should have just took off today and rot at home. :/ Damn the want to shop! Opt to postpone offday to next week to go shopping. Shopping isn't even a form of rest! I must be mad. :/ Lol. I'm just nonsense-typing, aren't I? :p

But seriously, all I've been wanting at the end of the day is rest.
"All I wanna do is find my way back into bed." Has been unintentionally repeating in my head with the "Way Back Into Love" melody. LOLL. It is like I can never get enough sleep even though I've slept enough (according to scientific research reports). So annoying, right?

Okay okay, time is ticking wayyy too fast! Gotta complete my work before I close shop for another goodnight rest! ^^

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