Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I want some of this now, or later!!!
I am literally stoning right now. No wait, I was literally stoning my time away seconds before I start this entry; Because I can't possibly be stoning right now when I'm actually typing a random entry, right? Lol. And I'm not stoning my work time away okay? I completed all due work and was writing the application process (for the benefit of the next person taking over my position) when I suddenly just stared into blank. :\

Anyways, I'm doing a random entry because I'm feeling random and bored and sleepy and this is the only way I can keep my mind off certain things. Work has been fine and so far so good.

It is sometimes an extreme joy to work here because of the good boss, the pleasant interaction and exposure I get, free transport to office (by legs) and pretty much free food from home... On top of that, the helpers that spend the lazy afternoons with me are usually so nice and so sweet, though naggy... =x I admire how innocent, hardworking and driven most of them are... I also like it most, when they say I'm pretty, lovable and nice. HAHAHAH! No, seriously, they actually say that. But of course, I'm never a bit believing those la, just, you know, it still makes you happy a little tiny wee bit. xD

Then again, I honestly don't see myself advancing much or any far from here. But, I have no idea what I want to do. It's been about 17 days here and I have yet to discover what I want to do next. Of course, I am not expecting an answer people take years to realize, to appear in 17 days... Just, you know, I need clues. And then again, I am of course not going to just leave this place so fast, decided to at least master 3/4 of the things before I bid farewell.

I'm not rushing to a decision, that is why I took up this job. But it is frustrating when you can't figure out what you want to do. It is like feeling extremely hungry but unable to come to a decision with what to eat. Even "anything" won't do any good, because this hunger I have is huge. I know my ultimate goal, but I don't know what is holding me back from achieving it, or from trying to achieve it. :\

Hi, tall Goofy. :O
Guess it is not only me who is feeling this way. Why can't we be given the path people up there has already planned. At least we won't have to go around wondering, figuring, worrying for something that is probably already set long ago by people up there. Tskkk. What am I thinking? I don't know...

BABO!!! Quickly get a job so I can rid the guilt! And also so, you can quickly treat me to something good! NO MORE giving you discount from 3 treats to one starbuck okay! Tskkkkkk. CHEAPO. :p
Having fun with my phone now, getting used to and the hang to it. :) The battery don't suck, as I first claimed and thought... It's just how I use it laaaa. >< Gosh, can't believe I actually typed so much. But at least, for that few minutes, I didn't think a wee bit of what I wanted to get rid off my mind for a while. But then again, with this said, it's now back in my head again. ==' I guess it never left my mind, just got suppressed and ignored every once in a while. Sigh. If only I can just throw it into the bin... An hour more to end of work, I think I better hurry with my notes. :) I can't wait to meet the people that always cheers me up even if it means I'm at the bottom of a bottomless pit. :O hehehe. <3

I pray for things to become better. I pray for my friends to find the answer to their question. I pray for people to be stronger. I pray for everyone to be happy. :)


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