Thursday, April 07, 2011

Neither Here Nor There

Had another great great laugh tonight, listening and watching my new favourite local comedian!!! ^^ Gurmit's now running second behind Kumar. KEKEKE. Not like you care, but whatever. :p Then again, Kumar's a dragggg. So I should say he's my one and only favourite dragqueen!!!!!! HEHEHE.

Laughed so hard till my head hurts. :O

Work has been smooth sailing. At least, I dread and drag myself to work only... 1/4 the time. :x Seriously, if only there's nice souls out there willing to join me for lunch or get me STARBUCKS/COFFEE BEAN VENTI/LARGE MOCHA FRAPPE/ICE BLENDED MOCHA (Coffee based pleaseeeee), I'll love you to bits and pieces till death do us part.... LOL! Just kidding about the last part. But really, I'll love you a million times deeper! LOL. KIDDING! <3 But no, seriously meal time is always boring. :\ But whatever... :D Anyway, today was really relaxing and nice because the night was good to me. :D Not the end when the puking and the aching came but yeah...
Though my day was pleasant, night was relaxing and superrrrrrr LOL, it didn't end as good... :\ Came back feeling sleepy, rather dead with a headache and then finishing the all these 'bads' off by puking out my dinner. =='

Heard something on the radio on my way home. So so so similar to the situation. No wait, in fact, it's exactly the same... Exactly the same! And then it got me thinking... Zz Sometimes, I really wish I can just vomit all the truths out. Everything single thing puked out. Very gross, I know, but I'm obviously just using puking as an example!!!
I want it to happen, but I'm not daring enough to do it. :\

Courageous enough to hold on and continue but not brave enough to let the cat out. So, it's being bold or timid?

Sleeping right now to ease the throbbing pain in my head.
ps: Please let me have an undisturbed goodnight sleep todayyy. Don't wanna wake up at odd timings or with aching shoulders again! Grrr.

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