Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dreams Are Such Contrary To Reality~

People always say that our dreams tend to be the opposite of reality, right? It happened to me this morning! Lol. I had a dream that was the flip side to reality!

I was having a good sleep when I suddenly dreamt about receiving my final Semester results!! What I saw was double Ds, double Fs and if I'm not wrong double Cs. Totally shocked the dreaming me. Was feeling kindda upset and sian-ed too! But then, that was when I heard my mobile rang the message tone! Lol. Woke up and checked the text message to find out that I did pretty well for my final semester!!!! Woooooooooooo~~ Cheers* Though my GPA still kindda suck(?), I was superrrr happy that the results weren't as bad as I had expected! ^^ And I got distinction for a module my group and I worked extremely extremely hard for!!! *throws confetti and dances around*

Because I was happy I am now finally a graduate, I did a little small prank on my mother. xD
When my mother texted me about my results, I lied that I failed a module and had to repeat. Took her a while to reply back asking why I did so bad and if I was serious about it. Didn't reply her because I was washing up and she texted again asking if I was disappointed with another two calls. Replied that I was of course upset before she text to tell me to answer her call. Totally fumbled! I can't lie through my teeth, and it's so bull~~~ :((( Literally laughed when I hear her voice.
My mother was even shocked that I was laughing while still believing I've failed a module. Superrrrr cute! I think she thought I was crazy because I got such a disappointing result. LOL!!!! So cute! xD She even said she was so worried for me and is going to bomb me when she's home. HAHAHA. ♥

Anyways, I guess I better be going off now! :D

Gotta go prepare something special for a special someone now.
And also the time to do hardcore thinking for my future. :\ With that GPA of mine, it's confirm that there'll be difficulties getting into a local University. DANGIT!

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