Monday, March 28, 2011

Be Fearless.

Got this video from a friend, Chiulee, and finally got down to watch it.
I was inspired.
Just three simple stories about his life can bring about so many lessons one can learn.

"If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll be certainly right."

We're always searching for the reason to live, the meaning to life, and always forget how fragile anyone's life can be. So what if you don't see the reason to live today? Does it mean you'll live tomorrow? What if you don't get to live the next day? Will your life be filled with regrets?
Don't let it be.
People are always distracted by the small little setbacks in life from what's really important. Living a fearless life is probably the one way to live life. Fear is what stops us from fulfilling what we really want. Be fearless.

Then again, my fear for life is sometimes too overwhelming... :\ I need to more courage!

I like what he said about doing what you love. And if you're unsure of what you love right now; Keep searching. Don't settle. Search and search till you find the love for something, that's when most magic happens and then you settle.
Heard something similar to ^ few days back. I can't remember the Chinese Idiom but it goes something like this "Ride a donkey in search for the right horse before taking off in full speed to your final destination." Don't rush to find what you want to do, what you want in life or what's best for you. It's probably really the only time to make mistakes before life gets totally serious and hardcore on us all.

No one in the world can make the right decision the first time, the right decision comes only after falling and failing. The people up there didn't create us to give us a smooth-sailing life. Life's made tough to make us grow and toughen up.

Probably the best video any lost lamb should watch right now.
We're too hurry in searching for answers that we forget, the challenge and the question wasn't even given yet.

I'm going to start riding the donkey in search for the horse that will bring me to my future.

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