But, @karenacyp and I were uberrrrr high, it's like as if we were drunk... hulll~ >< Even @WeishanT wasn't able to tolerate us... Lol.
ps: Why are people using twitters' way to mention someone?? We were fooling around and used it while MSN-ing to plan Tuesday on Monday night... Hurhur. :p

It wasn't exactly a day-out-for-study-break, but a day out to spend a day less boringly... :x I haven't even touched the exam modules' book! Keke. ps: Starting after this entry larrrrrr! :((((
Anyways, we made it a point to not shop because we didn't wanna spend any money that's supposedly saved for our upcoming overseas trip. Apparently, I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO BOUGHT THINGS... T^T Bought a mini tripod stand, and a pair of red Vans, only to be told by Gary that HK sells them cheaper and Vans $10 lesser!!!! FML!!! ^$#%&^$#E%$#%#% Needs to bring my brain out before I shop next time. -,-
Okay, this was suppose to be an No Words, Just Pictures entry... But I've failed badly again... :O

Texting Weishan~~

erhummm. . . Yaping pretty much photo-spammed yesterday...


Any idea how many shots it took for Yaping to take this?! LOL.
I counted, there were like... 7!!!

Red Bean Red Bean Red Bean !!!! <3

nom nom nom

Found Weishan and headed down to Paragon to look for p.s Cafe.
Because of p.s, I went "pssss Cafe" and then, Yaping and I went crazy "pssss-ing" kindda loudly that people looked at us... LOL. It was fun. :\ hehehe.

Going up the lift!
The lift was rather crowded? And I was at the other side of the lift when Yaping kept calling me 电梯小姐, embarrassing!!! Lol.

Afterwhich, Yaping had me to take shots of her crossing the road EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! Lol.

Oh ya, changed course to KPO cafe because the ambience of p.s Cafe at Paragon wasn't exactly nice...

Damnnnn. I would loveeeeeeeee to have breakfast like those E-V-E-R-YDAYYYY!!! ^^

When I realise Yaping was taking pictures.... again! Lol.

To clarify, I didn't take this picture...

This was the setting! Lol.

Poor Shan shan, had to entertain Yaping throughout the meal. HAHAHA.

There were a lot more shots like these!
A L O T!

When I realise my (my sister's) feather necklace got maple syrupppppp!!!

&here's pingpong trying to make me smile widely so she could take a natural shot of me laughing. Lol


Arranged this to put into her mouth...

But dropped it...

Took the pancake anyway and...

:O hehehe.
Yaping's really funny and cute, CANNOT TAHAN.

heheh, i like this shot.

See! What I told ya~


I like this most...
And, apparently, both of us crossed this road A L O T of times, like 4? just to take the picture. LOL.

It was a rather crazy day out, but I really enjoyed myself! ^^
If only Jolene could make it too!!! T^T
Anyways, after all that, we travelled back to Hougang and chit chatted for about an hour or so? While waiting for Gary to pass me his nano (THANKS!) and vitamin drink (THANKS THANKS!!) before walking home with Yaping... ^^

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