Thursday, May 20, 2010



Decided to be a little diligent and get the compiled updates in Suzhou done. :S Lol. (Easy navigation for self!)

DAY #2!
DAY #3; Starting to bond!
The First Week
First OTOT; Shanghai Shanghai
Favourite Pictures taken at Shanghai
Random #1!
Second Tour Together!
Second OTOT; Three Kingdoms City
The Second Week!
Failed 孔明灯 Experience. :(((
Random #2!
Shopping Night.
Our One Last Tour.
Last OTOT; Shop Till You Drop @ Shanghai!
Mother's Are Noble!
First Karaoke Experience! :)))
Random #3; The Last Day
Happy Birthday To Them~
World EXPO 2010, Shanghai.
Phototaking with Local Students~
Last DAY!

Proud and happy with myself. HAHAHA!

&&&I guess I'm keeping this site but updating more with :/ Can still tag though. I like to just drop by here because nuffnang works here instead of LJ. Zzz

For now, GOODBYE!